Welcome back, Boysetsfire

Man hat es eigentlich nicht mehr für möglich gehalten. Schon unzählige Male erwähnt wurde das Jahr 2006 zum Jahr des Emo-Rocks und auch der Rückkehr zahlreicher Mitglieder dieser einzigartigen Szene. Was niemand, dem diese Musikrichtung am Herzen lag, auch nur im Entferntesten erwartet hatte, war die Auflösung der Szene-Pioniere Boysetsfire, die jetzt genauso unerwartet wieder in Erscheinung treten.

“We were never a normal band. We never did the right things. We never looked cool. We did everything exactly the way we wanted. Trends weren’t important. Being hip wasn’t important. There were only two things that were important and sancrosanct; the friendship between the five members of this band, and people who we touched with our music. We were a band for over a decade. We decided that we wanted to try different things with our lives. So we stopped playing music together. It wasn’t Noel/Liam Gallagher ugly; we parted as friends and we generally see or talk to each other all the time. I think we underestimated how much we would miss it. The communion, the intensity, the genuine outpouring of emotion- it just doesn’t exist for us without BoySetsFire. So we are going to start playing together again. All we know now is that BoySetsFire is playing in Berlin on December 5, 2010. Thank you.”


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Welcome back, Boysetsfire


Genauso unerwartet, wie sich Boysetsfire 2006 aufgelöst haben, treten sie nun wieder in Erscheinung.


Man hat es eigentlich nicht mehr für möglich gehalten. Schon unzählige Male erwähnt wurde das Jahr 2006 zum Jahr des EMO- Rocks und auch der Rückkehr zahlreicher Mitglieder dieser einzigartigen Szene. Was niemand, dem diese Musikrichtung am Herzen lag, auch nur im Entferntesten erwartet hatte, war die Auflösung der Szene-Pioniere Boysetsfire, die jetzt genauso unerwartet wieder in Erscheinung treten.


“We were never a normal band. We never did the right things. We never looked cool. We did everything exactly the way we wanted. Trends weren’t important. Being hip wasn’t important. There were only two things that were important and sancrosanct; the friendship between the five members of this band, and people who we touched with our music. We were a band for over a decade. We decided that we wanted to try different things with our lives. So we stopped playing music together. It wasn’t Noel/Liam Gallagher ugly; we parted as friends and we generally see or talk to each other all the time. I think we underestimated how much we would miss it. The communion, the intensity, the genuine outpouring of emotion- it just doesn’t exist for us without BoySetsFire. So we are going to start playing together again. All we know now is that BoySetsFire is playing in Berlin on December 5, 2010. Thank you.” (www.boysetsfire.org)

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  • Welcome back, Boysetsfire
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